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KR Sanctuary Remodel

Sanctuary Remodel: Our Sanctuary Needs a Makeover

We are starting our KR Sanctuary Remodel project!

The KR Sanctuary is a private, no-kill cat sanctuary located in the Atwater Village area of Los Angeles, California. It is home to up to 150 cats at a time, many of which have special needs. Whether they are under socialized, geriatric, have a chronic medical problem, or are positive for feline leukemia, we want to ensure that the Sanctuary is a happy, safe place for them all — and a beautiful experience for all of the humans who come to visit them. For some cats this is a temporary haven as they recover from events such as illness, injury, or the stress of having been lost or abandoned. For others, it may end up being a forever home, so it is very important that the Sanctuary creates a quality environment for cats, caretakers, and visitors.

After years of wear and tear, our Sanctuary is in dire need of renovations. The renovations are estimated to cost $100,000, which includes moving the AC to a more central location for better circulation, replacing the ducting, and adding a new drop ceiling, sealed floors, a new roof, cabinets, outdoor enclosures, a new camera security system, and medical isolation enclosures that will double the number of medical cases that we can take in. A generous sponsor has kicked off the fundraiser by donating $24,370 to renovate the medical isolation ward, but we need to raise more funds to cover the full cost of all the necessary renovations.

Please make a tax-deductible donation today to help us reach our goal of $100,000 and give our Sanctuary kitties the home they deserve!


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KR Sanctuary Remodel

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