Community Foster Program
Every day, Kitten Rescue receives multiple calls and emails from people asking us to take in cats or kittens that need homes. Our ability to take in cats is extremely limited compared to the need across the entire city of Los Angeles — and unfortunately, we are unable to help everyone who asks. We can, however, help people find homes for cats or kittens PLUS give you free or low-cost resources to make it easy for you through our Community Foster Program.
Do you need to find a home for kittens or cats? This program is for you! It gives you access to discount veterinary care, low- or no-cost medications (including vaccines), and it lets you use our wide-reaching adoption infrastructure to find homes for the cats or kittens you have. There’s no commitment to volunteer with us beyond the kitties you rescue personally or need to rehome.
Enrolling is easy. Fill out our short Community Foster form and we’ll get you the help that you need.

What Is Required of Me?
You will need to get the kitties spayed/neutered, tested for feline leukemia (FeLV) and FIV, vaccinated (FVRCP or 3-in-1 vaccine), dewormed for roundworms and tapeworms, treated for fleas, and microchipped — all before the cats or kittens can be put up for adoption. We know that sounds like a lot! Kitten Rescue volunteers will help by administering vaccinations and providing deworming medicine and flea treatment for free. You will be responsible for the spay/neuter and testing, but we can refer you to low-cost clinics or clinics that provide discounts for our program.
Once the kitties are ready for adoption, you will be able to list them here on our website and on other adoption websites (including,, etc.). The cats can also be shown at our weekly adoption events.
When you place the cats through Kitten Rescue, your spay/neuter, testing and microchipping expenses are reimbursable up to the amount of the adoption fee.