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Construction Begins on our Kitten Adoption Center

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We’ve officially started construction on our Kitten Adoption Center and Sanctuary remodel! This is a huge undertaking for Kitten Rescue, but thanks to our incredible supporters, these dreams are becoming a reality. As part of our Sanctuary remodeling project, we’re installing a new roof and building a beautiful, spacious room for our FeLV+ residents, who need to be separated from the other cats. We’ve also just installed a brand new utility sink and washer/dryer combo in our Kitten Nursery. Little changes like this make a huge difference in our day-to-day operations – and ultimately, the more efficient we are, the more lives we’ll be able to save! The construction is expected to finish in early April, when we’ll announce the grand opening of our Kitten Adoption Center. The addition of an on-site adoption center and full-time Adoption Coordinator will exponentially increase the numbers of cats and kittens that our organization is able to rescue and find homes for, so we’re very excited to get this project off the ground.

Besides the construction, we’re diving right into 2018 with increased efforts to pull cats and kittens from city shelters – as long as there are animals to save, why should we take a break?  While the winter is normally our slower season, we’ve already taken dozens of cats out of the shelter and into our Nursery, Sanctuary, and Foster program. We’ve rescued several adult and senior cats, a whole bunch of kittens born late in the fall, a kitten with broken legs, a cat with severe facial injuries from a fight, and two feral cats. We even managed to rescue a mom who had just given birth to six, one-day-old babies, which is extremely rare during the colder months.

Check out our photos below to see some of the construction progress on our roof, and some of the new residents we’ve rescued from city shelters this winter. (*Please be warned, one of the images is a bit graphic, but we’re happy to report both injured cats are recovering quickly and doing great!)

Want to chip in and donate to this amazing project? Help us bring this dream to life!

[button size=” style=” text=’DONATE TO THE REMODEL’ icon=’fa-home’ icon_color=” link=’′ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=’center’ margin=”]

Kitten Rescue Remodeling & Kitten Adoption Center Kitten Rescue Remodeling & Kitten Adoption Center Kitten Rescue Remodeling & Kitten Adoption Center Kitten Rescue Remodeling & Kitten Adoption CenterCat recently saved from a city shelter by Kitten Rescue Cat recently saved from a city shelter by Kitten Rescue Cat recently saved from a city shelter by Kitten Rescue Cat recently saved from a city shelter by Kitten Rescue Cat recently saved from a city shelter by Kitten Rescue

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If you would like to help donate towards our construction and Adoption Center operations, please visit our donation page!

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