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I am Juno. I am a magnificent, brown tabby Maine Coon with whiskers for days. If I look a little grumpy it’s because I have lost my eyesight. And I’m only 12 years old! Getting around without bumping into another free-roaming kitty can be a challenge but I do my best. The kind folks at Kitten Rescue take me on supervised walks in open areas which I enjoy immensely.

I am really good at climbing cat trees, believe it or not! Sometimes I need a little help getting down, yet once I learn the levels I get pretty good at it. Some think my hearing is deteriorating, too, but I just shake my head and look slyly away — apparently they forget I’m a feline, and eyesight-challenged or not, I still do what I want, when I want! I’m really good at flopping down and rolling over for belly rubs, but you will have to sponsor me to see for yourself!

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