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Huge Litter of Pitbull Puppies Rescued

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Wait, what?

Did you say pitbull puppies? Yes, that’s right! At Kitten Rescue, we don’t turn our backs when an animal needs our help — even if it’s not a kitten.

On Saturday, September 1st at 8pm, we received an alert that a huge litter of ten orphaned pitbull puppies had just been dumped in a box at East Valley Shelter, and that even after extensive outreach, they were unable to find a foster home or rescue who was willing to take them in. The puppies were so tiny and new to this world — only one week old — and still needed to be bottle fed. They had no mama, and we knew they didn’t stand a chance without the help of a rescue. At 11pm, Kitten Rescue’s president drove over an hour to the shelter to pick them up. They hadn’t eaten in hours and needed to be bottle fed right away!

Thanks to our incredible network or fosters and volunteers, within just one day we were able to distribute the 10 puppies to safe homes, where they will be loved, spoiled, and cared for until they’re ready to be adopted, or until they’re big enough to eat on their own and a dog-focused rescue will take them in. For now, our Kitten Rescue team is hard at work bottle feeding these little ones around the clock and helping them grow big and strong. It’s hard to believe that pitbulls start out so small and vulnerable! Additionally, these puppies will be raised around cats and kittens, which will greatly expand the homes available to adopt them.

Our goal is to save animals and to stop shelter euthanasia. That’s really what it comes down to. We might be called Kitten Rescue, but there were ten puppies that needed our help. They were running out of time, and no one was stepping up to save them. So we did.


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